There are no units in transit at this time. If there are not enough units for your order, please consider a substitute product or contact customer service to order direct from the factory.
ESTIMATED ARRIVAL DATES All dates shown are approximate and may fluctuate. If desired quantity exceeds units available and units in transit, please allow 6-8 weeks for delivery.
Sellutions' Pipeline series has been popular since its introduction. Inspired by the commercial garment racks seen throughout NYC's Fashion District, it too, is constructed from 1¼-inch diameter plumbing pipe and connectors. For added visual appeal and to highlight a broad range of inventory apply a selection of our 4½-inch Slatwall faceouts. These components are easy to install and remove so they may become part of a permanent display, or just as a one-off as needed. Their Anthracite Grey finish coordinates seamlessly with most pieces from this collection for an overall cohesive appearance. Description:
Sellutions' Pipeline series has been popular since its introduction. Inspired by the commercial garment racks seen throughout NYC's Fashion District, it too, is constructed from 1¼-inch diameter plumbing pipe and connectors. For added visual appeal and to highlight a broad range of inventory apply a selection of our 4½-inch Slatwall…
There are no units in transit at this time. If there are not enough units for your order, please consider a substitute product or contact customer service to order direct from the factory.
ESTIMATED ARRIVAL DATES All dates shown are approximate and may fluctuate. If desired quantity exceeds units available and units in transit, please allow 6-8 weeks for delivery.
Is your target customer base under age 40? We recommend Sellutions' Pipeline series with its edgy and different appearance to showcase your fresh and trendy mercandise. It's appeal is drawn from its inspiration, the industrial garment racks seen throughout Manhattan Garment District. The faceout is made from 1¼-inch diameter plumbing pipe and connectors, just like the original. Among our numerous matching accessories, our 4½-inch Slatwall faceouts will highlight a broad array of inventory. Designed to work with wall mounted Slatwall panels, the faceouts are easy to install and remove -they slide in or out from the side grooves- to become part of your permanent or temporary display. Description:
Is your target customer base under age 40? We recommend Sellutions' Pipeline series with its edgy and different appearance to showcase your fresh and trendy mercandise. It's appeal is drawn from its inspiration, the industrial garment racks seen throughout Manhattan Garment District. The faceout is made from 1¼-inch diameter plumbing…
ESTIMATED ARRIVAL DATES All dates shown are approximate and may fluctuate. If desired quantity exceeds units available and units in transit, please allow 6-8 weeks for delivery.
Sellutions' Pipeline series is popular for retail environments that cater to a youth-oriented demographic. It's appeal can be traced to its inspiration, the industrial garment racks seen throughout NYC's Fashion District. Made of sturdy 1¼-inch diameter plumbing pipe and connectors, the Pipeline series merchandising opportunities include accessories such as the 10-inch Slatwall faceouts. Designed to highlight a broad spectrum of inventory, the faceouts are easy to install and remove and may be part of a permanent or temporary display. Description:
Sellutions' Pipeline series is popular for retail environments that cater to a youth-oriented demographic. It's appeal can be traced to its inspiration, the industrial garment racks seen throughout NYC's Fashion District. Made of sturdy 1¼-inch diameter plumbing pipe and connectors, the Pipeline series merchandising opportunities include accessories such as the…
ESTIMATED ARRIVAL DATES All dates shown are approximate and may fluctuate. If desired quantity exceeds units available and units in transit, please allow 6-8 weeks for delivery.
How can you display more inventory to your Millennial clientele without cluttering your selling floor layout? Here's a suggestion: Sellutions' Pipeline 10-inch Slatwall faceouts. You can use these faceouts along a wall to increase selling options yet not commit permanently to their placement. Our very popular Pipeline series features a fresh, ‘different' appearance to highlight any products or merchandise that can be hung.When creating Pipeline, we were inspired by those commercial garment racks in NYC's Garment District. Like the original, our faceout is constructed of 1¼-inch diameter plumbing pipe. The faceout was designed to work with wall mounted Slatwall panels, just slide in or out from the side grooves- to become part of any permanent or temporary display. Recommended for use with all Pipeline display units finished in Gloss White for a cohesive look. Description:
How can you display more inventory to your Millennial clientele without cluttering your selling floor layout? Here's a suggestion: Sellutions' Pipeline 10-inch Slatwall faceouts. You can use these faceouts along a wall to increase selling options yet not commit permanently to their placement. Our very popular Pipeline series features a…
Faceouts allow additional opportunities to showcase merchandise and increase sales. Sellutions' Pipeline 4½-inch long Slatwall faceout can be quickly and easily attached to existing wall-mounted Slatwall panels in any number you choose. Each faceout will accommodate up to three garments on hangers, or a single cap or hat, or scarves…
Faceouts allow additional opportunities to showcase merchandise and increase sales. Sellutions' Pipeline 4½-inch long Slatwall faceout can be quickly and easily attached to existing wall-mounted Slatwall panels in any number you choose. Each faceout will accommodate up to three garments on hangers, or a single cap or hat, or scarves and necklaces. This accessory was designed to coordinate with the Pipeline series which draws its inspiration from the industrial clothing racks used throughout NYC's Garment District. Both are crafted from 1¼-inch plumbing pipe but Sellutions's version is coated in trendy Anthracite Grey, or Gloss White epoxy. Look to Sellutions' Pipeline collection for the best options to highlight your wares and your brand.